Monday, December 15, 2014

More on Parades

On my last blog post, I talked about songs that made my hit parade. Girls were girls and men were men. Those were the days. This led me to thinking about parades in general. Fall and winter seem to be THE time of year for parades: Homecoming, Thanksgiving, Christmas. Living in the "small" town of Jenks, the Homecoming Parade is one that you go to if you are a parent or student at Jenks Public Schools. Otherwise, you are inundated with float after float of elementary football and cheer teams. Then float after float of middle school teams. Then the high school club for this and that. The band. The pom squad. It is highly boring in large part because they aren't "allowed" to throw candy to spectators anymore. So you just stand and wave at each other. So that's definitely one to miss.

Now the Christmas parade here in Jenks is typically before Thanksgiving thus lending confusion to those too young to realize that capitalism is king. "Mommy, why is the Christmas parade before Thanksgiving?" Well sweetie, it's like how the stores put out Christmas decorations in October. They want your money. Ok, yes, I'm a little cynical about this but really? Does the Christmas parade HAVE to be before Thanksgiving? 

I've never been to a Thanksgiving parade but I'm a dedicated fan of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade. That is a must-see holiday tradition. The giant balloons and the pageantry and the giving of thanks by one and all. Just splendid! Attending that parade in person is on my bucket list for sure!

One of my favorite Christmas traditions is watching the Christmas parade on TV, sipping on some eggnog, surrounded by the aftermath of wrapping paper and presents, all cozy in my jammies. No one else in my family likes eggnog so it's the one time I splurge and buy it. It's something that my dad and I used to do when I was a kid and it makes me feel just a little like he's still right there by my side, making fun of the people freezing their tushes at the parade. He's so lucky that he gets to be at Jesus' real birthday party in heaven.

And finally, the Rose Bowl parade is always a gorgeous affair and it's awe-inspiring how intricate those floats are. Definitely want to go to one of those someday!

On an unrelated note, I finished my latest quilt (really my 4th one ever) for a dear friend of mine. She doesn't know I made it and I'm about to burst with the secrecy of it. This quilt was made over the course of the last month and I put prayer after prayer into it. I can't wait to send it to her! Here is a peek!
It's a jelly roll quilt that could be reversible!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Songs that made the Hit Parade

Have you ever sang karaoke? I have always been of two thoughts when considering singing in front of strangers:
1. It would have to be a totally awesome song that everyone knows but isn't TOO tired as a karaoke song.
2. It would have to be a song that actually makes me sound decent and not like a frog.
3. Ok, I have three. An adult beverage or two beforehand for courage might be required.

I've got a couple in mind, especially for a duet. First would be the theme song to "All In the Family." Yes, I know this show officially ended before I was even born. However, my dad and I watched it all the time, along with MASH, Hogan's Heroes, Gomer Pyle, and lots of other oldies-but-goodies on Nick at Nite. I am not sure I understand those shows to this day but I can sure sing that theme song. Jeff does a pretty good Archie too! So that's on the list.

One of my favorite things about the Smithsonian was seeing their chairs displayed there. 

Next would be some angry song, likely "Ironic" by Alanis Morissette. Almost anyone can do an angry song so I should be good there and I've always appreciated good irony.

Speaking of songs, Hunter and I have a new favorite song. Here's a clip.
We heard this separately in our different church services and we both loved it right away! Such a powerful song!

Another song that has made my hit parade recently is that one about base and treble. You know it. It's about being proud of your own God-given body and while not completely wholesome, has a good message for girls and women. 

And one last song that marshals my parade, this week especially, is this one:

It's Bedlam this Saturday! Beat OSU! Boomer Sooner!

Thursday, November 27, 2014

The Importance of Gratitude


My heart is heavy this morning. As many Bible verses and inspiring quotes I read, nothing helps the sadness I feel in my heart. I'm sad for the families who are missing their soldiers serving our country in parts unknown. I'm sad for the mamas and daddies who are grieving the loss of their children to senseless violence. I'm sad for the unfortunate who are homeless and hopeless. I'm sad for the children who suffer abuse at the hands of those who should protect them above all else. I'm sad for the victims of sexual abuse. I'm sad for the way cancer, depression, AIDS, and countless other diseases maliciously delight in robbing families of their loved ones. I'm sad for those who are hurt by bullies, gossip, and rumors. I'm sad for churches who are so caught up in being "Godlike" that they forget their personal relationships with God. I'm sad for our leaders in government who dismiss those who voted for them in favor of money and kickbacks. I'm sad for the way technology can hinder the interpersonal communication within families. I'm sad for many reasons and many people. 

Nothing helps the sadness I feel in my heart but the grace of God. Only He would allow sorrow to enter my heart as a way to remind me that I have an eternal place in His arms and no pain will find me there. So I'm also grateful that there are men and women brave enough to risk life and limb for MY freedom. I'm grateful that mamas and daddies were able to know the unconditional love of a child even for a short time. I'm grateful that there are organizations that provide help to our homeless in their darkest hour. I'm grateful that victims of abuse can get the help they need from therapists and counselors. I'm grateful that there are countless researchers, doctors, and nurses dedicated to eradicated cancer and all other diseases. I'm grateful for friends that stand up for their bullied friends, dismiss gossip, and dispel rumors and those who find the courage to do so on their own. I'm grateful for churches who serve God with love and a clear purpose and don't stray from that. I'm grateful for the ability to vote and have rights and a voice in my country. I'm grateful for technology and the role it plays in education, society, research, medicine, and how it allows friends and family around the world to connect and cultivate relationships. I'm grateful for many reasons and many people. 

Thanksgiving to me is a reminder to reflect on those reasons and people for which I should be grateful. Above all of these, my gratitude is for the relief that accepting Jesus Christ as my Savior has brought to my heart. Never shall I fear death. Never shall I fear persecution. Never shall I be disappointed in God. Never shall I perish but live everlasting in God. 

Blessings to all as I have been blessed. Happy Thanksgiving! 

Monday, November 24, 2014

On the Naughty List

The other day, my youngest daughter, Peyton, turned to me while watching a Christmas movie and said very somberly with tears in her eyes, "Mom, I think I'm on Santa's naughty list." Desperately trying to hold in my laughter, I asked her why she thought that. She said, "Because I am bad." Her little face was so sad that I just had to hug her and hold it together because I knew she really meant that. Of course I had to ask her why she thought she was bad and she said because she sneaks candy. Honey, if that makes a person bad, then I think a large majority of women are very bad, especially around "that time of the month" and Halloween. Oh, sweet York peppermint, you are too good to allow a child to eat. You must be mine. Anyway, I quickly told her that being on the naughty list was something we should always try to avoid and that I was sure that she had plenty of time to show Santa that she deserved to be on the "nice" list. This girl is what my mother gleefully warned me I would have if I didn't behave as a teenager. I tend to believe that she is a free-spirit, strong-willed, and listens to her own heart. It's ok to be hopeful, right? I'm not lying to myself. Really. Others, including her teachers and grandmas, might say she's full of energy or needs constant reminders to follow the rules. Her sister might say she's annoying and gets in her stuff.

Hunter was a people-pleaser and wanted to be the teacher's favorite while in elementary school and I never worried about her behavior in class. As a tween, she still has a volunteer spirit and likes to be helpful, much like her mother. Sometimes a little too helpful, Mommy #2 can get in a bit of trouble too. I can see where she just wants to keep Peyton from getting in trouble or simply just to stay alive. As she put it one day while Peyton was trying to eat a candy cane without taking off the wrapper, "Plastic kills, Mom. Why don't you care?!" Well, it might be that I just don't always have eyes in the back of my head and can't see what she's doing in the seat directly behind me while I'm driving, dear sweet child o' mine. Or something less sweet than that. Anyway, we aren't talking about me here.

Back to Peyton. When she said that about the naughty list, my mind automatically went to how she's doing in school. It's frustrating as a parent to have one child who would always follow the rules and the other who doesn't. This child is lucky she came when Mom had learned a little more patience as an experienced parent of a 6yo. If you ask Peyton why she has to pay "tickets" to her teacher, it's because she didn't know the rules. When the girl has been in class for several weeks, she should know them by now. During our last parent-teacher conference, we had a good discussion about rules, good choices, bad choices, and consequences. We asked her teacher, who's wonderful and was Hunter's teacher when she was in first grade, about her opinion on ADHD testing. She shared her son's story of ADHD and how she would encourage us to research our options and if needed, she would provide a report to our family physician. She didn't push medication over behavioral therapy which I appreciated. I also appreciated her honesty about the effect Peyton's inattentiveness and poor choices were starting to show in her academics.

I've begun the tedious task of researching ADHD, ADD, cognitive and behavioral therapy, eliminating different food items from her diet, medicating vs. not medicating, and it's making me wonder how parents really decide what's right for their child. It is so overwhelming but I know that my daughter is definitely worth it. If I can help her get on the "nice" list, I'll do everything I can because I know that not only is Santa watching, so is my Father in heaven and being on His "nice" list is something that I will forever fight to get my daughters on. If you are still reading this, please pray with me that we find the right thing to do for Peyton so that she is successful in school and in life and pray that she will continue to keep her heart open, listening to the stories of Jesus, to become a true daughter of Christ.

Friday, November 21, 2014

I should have timed myself!

This is something every mom who has a bus-riding child can probably relate to. At least I hope so because otherwise I'm a terrible parent. Today, I was happily working away and up popped my daily reminder to go meet Peyton at her bus. It is set to remind me 10 minutes before her bus arrives. Normally I close the reminder and go to the stop. So I closed it but then got distracted by an email. I finish my email, start working on something else, and then look at the clock and realize that her bus is likely just now pulling up to the stop. I go racing out of the house, catching the attention of at least two neighbors (parent shame), huffing and puffing down the three blocks to the stop, and it's not there yet. I've never ran so fast in my life and I've ran a 5k.
Here I am in my very first 5k, the Hot Mamas Run!

I should have timed myself - it would have been a PR for that distance, I'm sure! As I'm desperately catching my breath and trying not to die, here that big yellow bus comes lumbering down the street. So let this be a lesson to you - never ignore your reminder to pick up your children. It could mean the difference between setting a PR and being a good mom. Wait, I might have that wrong. Either way, TGIF!  

Not at the bus stop but a cute pic of us on the flight from Tulsa to D.C.

Monday, November 17, 2014

It's ok to go to bed at 6pm, right?

YAWN. I am so so sleepy. This past week has been a whirlwind of travel, work, travel, sightseeing, travel, just a tad more touristy stuff, and travel. Every November, I travel to my company's HQ outside of Washington, D.C. and it's typically an airport to hotel to office to restaurant to hotel to office to airport type of trip. No seeing of the sights. No lolly-gagging about town. But THIS year! OMG! My beautiful, amazing, awesome co-worker offered us the use of her cozy basement and we got to stay and have a lovely family vacation. Sharon was a most gracious host and her enchiladas were so yummy! The chocolate on the pillows, brand-spanking-new bedding, and fresh flowers on the desk are the reason I will stay no other place when I visit again if she's kind enough to let me. We also had a chance to visit her neighborhood brewery which was so fun to navigate to in the dark because just when you think you can go straight, NOPE, please turn right. Good thing it was worth it! We should have walked, right, Sharon?
Jeff with his Old Bust Head Brewery sample
I have around 350 photos from our trip and I am scared I might run you off so I'll just sprinkle a few here and there. We had such a good time, minus the girls nagging and fighting, and we definitely saw a lot of places. Here are a couple of my favorite "monument/memorial" pictures:
The Washington Monument at sunset

Looking toward the Lincoln Memorial from the Washington Monument, again at sunset but a different day
Love the panorama mode on my smart phone. This is the WWII memorial.

The Oklahoma wreath at the WWII memorial


By the time we arrived at Lincoln's feet, it was so dark and my phone was almost dead so no flash!
I have lots more to share, especially from the American History museum. There is a whole exhibit on FOOD! And the Presidents and First Ladies exhibit was fascinating! I will save those for another time. Except for this one and please excuse the poor quality.
Rosalynn Carter's Inaugural Gown. I absolutely love this. I don't know why because it's not that fancy but doesn't it look so comfy?!
Now, I believe that since daylight savings time has come to an end, it is perfectly acceptable to go to bed when it's dark out. I suppose I could make dinner for the kids first but do they really need to eat? Sigh. The things mothers do for their children...

Until tomorrow when I will barrage you with more travel pictures! Oh and one more thing:
Not exactly a Sooner thing but still pretty cool to find in the Smithsonian!

And a last huge THANK YOU to my friend Sharon! Please also tell Chip, KP, and Amanda that we enjoyed meeting them and wish we could have stayed longer!

Saturday, November 8, 2014

To quilt or not to quilt

Like not quilting is even an option! Growing up in Oklahoma, I learned that the winters are usually either mild and everyone complains because there is no snow or it's as if Mother Nature said, "I thought last year you WANTED snow so here is a few feet with some ice thrown on top!" Gee, aren't you a sweet lady?! 

One of my absolute favorite parts of winter was curling up under the heirloom quilts before the fireplace at my Grandma Selby's home. Those quilts were so big and comfy soft and you felt like the women who made them so long ago were hugging you and making you feel so centered. I love those quilts and always beg my Grandma to leave them to me when she passes. I hope that's many many years to come. In the meantime, I fill my Pinterest feed with quilts that I want to make and quilts that I'm in complete awe of because they are so intricate and gorgeous and OMG, how does she do that? I haven't used a sewing machine since high school. Until....

You know those groups on Facebook that you can find items for sale, trade, barter? Kind of like Craigslist but seemingly safer because you can SEE the person you are buying from? I'm sure that there's only like one or two crazies on there trying to sell their "stuff" and it's completely safe.... Anyway, safety first - never go alone blah blah blah. This post isn't about that. This post is about that day last spring I saw a sewing machine for sale. Something just came over me and I it NOW!

I get my new toy home and discovered that it didn't include a manual. What? Who sells their items without a manual? Jeez, don't you know how to keep anything, sewing-machine-selling lady?! Thank goodness for Google is all I'm saying! I set that baby up and went to town sewing on some random piece of fabric just to get the hang of it again and promptly broke a needle. That was so fun. Not really. Luckily, sewing-machine-selling lady left some spare needles in the little box underneath. So I was back at it and loving every whirring minute of it!

Since then I have made both of my girls a quilt, my mother a quilt, but my first quilt was a baby quilt that I have no intention on giving or, in this case, burdening someone with. It's ok for a first quilt, I suppose, but I think that might be one of those things best left tucked away. Far away.

I have another quilt top made but I'm just not at the point yet with her to put her with a backing. She and I didn't agree exactly on lining up corners. She wanted to just be willy-nilly and I wanted to be very strict and matchy-matchy. I think she won but I'm going to make her wait for her backing. I'll let you know how that goes.

As my skills and talent grow, my quilts will get better. Practice makes perfect and I'm all about practicing. However, it's been several weeks since I last touched my sewing machine, simply because my mother's quilt was such a huge accomplishment for me that I'm still basking in the glow. It's either that or I'm in denial about being having "Quilter's" block. What to quilt next? For whom? Christmas is coming at me like a freight train and I'm just pinning away on Pinterest like someone really wants a beach quilt for Christmas.

I'm a people-pleaser by nature so maybe if someone TOLD me to quilt them something, I would get off my lazy rear. Maybe I'll just pretend that someone is goading me. Or maybe I will take it full-circle and quilt something for my Grandma. After all, she started this. It's all her fault - I should bless her with my gratitude. I should and I shall! (Can you hear my self-pep talk?) Imagine me jumping up and down and clapping my hands a la football team huddle because....Boomer Sooner! Anyway, I'm going to stop thinking and Just DO IT! Knowing my Grandma as I do, she'll love it or pretend so because she loves me.

And I'm going to test different signatures out so here:


Thursday, November 6, 2014

Let's get it started in here!

Recently, I attended a team meeting for work and as part of the agenda, we were assigned to create a slide that gave an introduction and interesting information about ourselves as a way to get to know each other better as a team. One of the questions was a fill-in-the-blank: My other dream is....

Here's what I said: To be a famous blogger and quilter. What? Did I really say that out loud type that on my Powerpoint slide and then share it with my teammates? Yes, yes. I did.

So here I am. Starting somewhere. This is frankly terrifying. I'm actually typing words on a blog and creating a title and customizing the background. Not sure I'm completely in love with any of the formatting of my blog. My sister is my role model, unbeknownst to her. She's famous. At least in my eyes. She's witty and charming and hilarious and eats food with faces that I'm not sure we have here in "the States" and goes to fancy places and takes absolutely breathtaking pictures and doesn't write run-on sentences and I love her to pieces. Maybe she'll read my blog every once in a while.

As my blog description goes, I'm a mother of two gorgeous girls who constantly fight and then surprise me when they get along for two magical minutes every month or so. They are 12, Hunter, and 6, Peyton. Actually 6 years, 6 days, and 6 hours' age difference. Frightening! My oldest is Mama #2 to my youngest who rarely tolerates such bossiness. I know in her heart that she is just trying to keep her little sister from getting in trouble and it's sweet. Other times, I'm just all "let me be the mom for once"!

Jeff and I have been married for 13 years and our life is full of adventures. Some good, some exhausting (hello, 24-hour drive to S.Carolina that I'll never repeat!). I can honestly say that our married life is NEVER boring. I love you, babe, even though I know you likely have no clue what a blog is and will probably only read this because I'll shove it in your face at 10:30pm and demand you read it and shower me with praise. It won't matter if it's sincere or not - just say so and I will be happy.

Third item in my description list - BOOMER SOONER! 'Nuff said.

Fourth, marketing manager. I absolutely love my job! I can't imagine, but for the grace of God, that He has provided me with the opportunity to serve Him in making a difference in the lives of children. So often I see parents who are desperate for another choice for their child because their current educational situation is not working. I never presume that what I have to share is the only choice or the right choice but that they HAVE a choice in where they send their child to school. It's my honor to provide them with hope that learning can be different, school can be fun, and teachers really do care. I can go on and on but I'm already afraid that you are bored and mere seconds away from clicking that horrid red x in the top right corner of the screen. NO! Don't look at it! Stay with me for just a few more minutes of my drivel.

Bookworm was last but not least (what a tired old phrase! Someone ought to come up with something better. Sharona, can you get on that?) I love to read. I remember, as a young girl, loving "Library Day" when my mother and sister and I spent at least an hour at the library and brought home armfuls of books to read on long summer days and dark winter nights. I was voracious then and my heart cheers when my girls ask to go to the library and then try to check out armloads themselves. Now the mother in me fears overdue books and lost books and torn books. I'll get over it because instilling in my offspring a love of reading overpowers that fear.

So I think I've come to the end of my first post ever on my first blog ever. OMG! If you have gotten this far, and feel gracious enough to comment, please be kind. Oh and one more thing...