Thursday, November 27, 2014

The Importance of Gratitude


My heart is heavy this morning. As many Bible verses and inspiring quotes I read, nothing helps the sadness I feel in my heart. I'm sad for the families who are missing their soldiers serving our country in parts unknown. I'm sad for the mamas and daddies who are grieving the loss of their children to senseless violence. I'm sad for the unfortunate who are homeless and hopeless. I'm sad for the children who suffer abuse at the hands of those who should protect them above all else. I'm sad for the victims of sexual abuse. I'm sad for the way cancer, depression, AIDS, and countless other diseases maliciously delight in robbing families of their loved ones. I'm sad for those who are hurt by bullies, gossip, and rumors. I'm sad for churches who are so caught up in being "Godlike" that they forget their personal relationships with God. I'm sad for our leaders in government who dismiss those who voted for them in favor of money and kickbacks. I'm sad for the way technology can hinder the interpersonal communication within families. I'm sad for many reasons and many people. 

Nothing helps the sadness I feel in my heart but the grace of God. Only He would allow sorrow to enter my heart as a way to remind me that I have an eternal place in His arms and no pain will find me there. So I'm also grateful that there are men and women brave enough to risk life and limb for MY freedom. I'm grateful that mamas and daddies were able to know the unconditional love of a child even for a short time. I'm grateful that there are organizations that provide help to our homeless in their darkest hour. I'm grateful that victims of abuse can get the help they need from therapists and counselors. I'm grateful that there are countless researchers, doctors, and nurses dedicated to eradicated cancer and all other diseases. I'm grateful for friends that stand up for their bullied friends, dismiss gossip, and dispel rumors and those who find the courage to do so on their own. I'm grateful for churches who serve God with love and a clear purpose and don't stray from that. I'm grateful for the ability to vote and have rights and a voice in my country. I'm grateful for technology and the role it plays in education, society, research, medicine, and how it allows friends and family around the world to connect and cultivate relationships. I'm grateful for many reasons and many people. 

Thanksgiving to me is a reminder to reflect on those reasons and people for which I should be grateful. Above all of these, my gratitude is for the relief that accepting Jesus Christ as my Savior has brought to my heart. Never shall I fear death. Never shall I fear persecution. Never shall I be disappointed in God. Never shall I perish but live everlasting in God. 

Blessings to all as I have been blessed. Happy Thanksgiving! 

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